Congratulations to the entire seminary group from Radom!

Oceń ten wpis:

Diploma thesis defences behind us🎓

All theses have been successfully defended📚 

The joy on the faces of our graduates is indescribable🙂

We congratulate each and every one of you for successfully closing this important chapter of your lives👏

We have reason to be pleased and proud of our students!

We are always a little sad to say goodbye to Alumni, but as in all cases, we will be following up with you🧐

On behalf of the WSB-NLU, we wish you every success in your future personal and professional lives.

Now it's time for some well-deserved relaxation! Time for a holiday...😎✈️

P.S. The Graduation Ceremony will take place on 4 October 2019. at 11:00 am!👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

We will provide more details soon.


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