Who hasn't yet managed to register for 'Run 4 a Smile'?!

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As the old saying goes: " let's hurry to register, because the starter packs are going away so fast". 🤣

We already have 379‼️ people registered, but the votes keep coming in:

"that someone didn't make it"😭

"that someone was late" 😂

"that someone wants to, and as usual fate makes it impossible to"🤣

In this case, we are fighting against the odds and DECLARE THAT WE ARE EXTENDING REGISTRATIONS TO 27 MAY‼️


All active athletes are welcome to run 🐆 as well as those with a "sedentary couch potato lifestyle"🦡(there is no sloth, so the badger will pretend to be one)🤣

It is not speed but participation that counts.✌️🙌

Let's show that together #WeHavePower💪

link: https://wsb-nlu.clouda.edu.pl/WydarzeniaZapisy/Formularz/51

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